Like water, like dough
And when I said, that first night,
After the main course,
Sitting under a Saxonian green-blue sky,
Something about GoT, that raised the brow above your eye,
And activated your fingers,
Which started to move up and away from your neck Your brown silken hair.
I’ve travelled a bit, forth and back,
And I knew, your eyes were then on me.
But I played it cool, though
Mine were on your hands
Kneading the water of your hair
Like dough.
He kept talking, I to him,
And listening to you, man, did I feel vile.
But I wondered, what stars did you weave in?
What thoughts, and what’s the meaning of your smile? And when your braid swung right,
How were you, oh so graphical, How gravity did press me in my seat. The erotic is in the casual.
GoT – Game of Thrones
aus dem Buch:
Junge Literatur Burgenland
Isabella Draxler - Dominic Horinek - Julia Lückl - Philipp Velich
Band 3
Hg.: © edition lex liszt 12, 2019